I’m the guy this blog is named after, Derek Guzman. I’m a seminary dropout, skeptic, and social critique. My blog publishes articles around technology, art, and philosophy. On leading a more purpose-driven life, and discerning the power dynamics that technology and politics subtly weave into our lives.

This blog is for folks who feel like something is wrong with the social norms and hegemony of our society, but might be looking for words that both bring light to the subject with analytical clarity and bring practical next steps for creating a more meaningful life in a world inundated with fast-food takes, passive content consumption, and misguided direction from political and corporate leaders.

This blog’s mission is to garner a fresh discussion around tech, art, and philosophy in a way that informs readers to lead more responsible and empowered lives. From enriching our relationships to our communities, environment, and ourselves to challenging societal notions that go unquestioned; this blog aims to put words to problems that often go unspoken and unrecognized.

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Derek Guzman is free to read. And a free subscription gives you access to my weekly newsletter where we drop the article structure, and you get a free raw take from someone who wants a better world for all of us. A paid subscription takes you a step deeper into the conversation with exclusive long-form essays, access to articles before they’re released to the public, and an opportunity to support independent critical writing with social relevance in a cyberspace wrought with ad-soaked clickbait and predatory content mills.

If the humanity behind tech, the art behind life, and the philosophy behind politics is something that fascinates you; then you’ve found the perfect blog for you.