The Neo-Nazi-Radicalizing Birth Rate To Great Replacement Pipeline

Accelerationists Want To Watch The World Burn

  • Accelerationist neo-Nazis believe in violently collapsing society to create a white ethno-state, spreading their ideology through memes and online radicalization.
  • Groups like Atomwaffen Division, The Base, and Sonnenkrieg Division have engaged in terrorism, propaganda, and paramilitary training, often operating in decentralized cells to evade law enforcement.
  • These extremists use encrypted platforms like Telegram to recruit, share attack strategies, and glorify terrorists, creating a self-radicalizing feedback loop known as the "Tarrant Effect."
  • Right-wing extremists account for the majority of U.S. terrorist attacks since 1994, with Accelerationist movements responsible for many plots, lone-wolf attacks, and infrastructure sabotage attempts.
  • While other ideological factions embrace Accelerationism, far-right extremists dominate its terrorist applications, leveraging chaos from crises like protests and pandemics to incite further violence.

Neo-Nazis and boogaloo militias are sick and tired of immigrants, with their high birth rates systematically replacing them (Great Replacement theory). They believe white people are genetically and culturally superior, and therefore the burgeoning degeneracy resulting from diversity has made an irredeemable society imminently headed for its own destruction. Racist Accelerationists see that as an opportune moment to occupy the vacuum of the system's collapse to erect a white ethno-state. Motivated by the prospect of ethnic privilege, these terrorists aim to speed up the process by violently destabilizing the system with terrorist attacks. The philosophy leads to a psychological shift giving them moral conviction that resembles religious zealotry: glorifying terrorists, building explosives, and aspiring to leave their mark through innocent bloodshed. But maybe we should back up and talk about what Accelerationism is first.


Although Accelerationism proper was fathered by Nick Land of Warwick University in the 80s; he merely inspired the far-right wing of Accelerationism. A philosophy that views society as being on a path for imminent collapse through the advancement of capital and technology. Neo-reactionary (NRx) movements like Accelerationism and Dark Enlightenment aspire to technocratic monarchies led by techno CEO dictators. A futuristic era where they believe advancements in genetic modification, AI, and cybernetic enhancements will lead to a post-humanist society where mere humans don't survive the singularity. I've written more on the origins of Accelerationism which you can read here:

Origins of Accelerationism
Where It Came From and Why It’s In Such a Hurry Origins of Accelerationism0:00/727.041× * Accelerationism, a philosophy originating from Nick Land, advocates for intensifying capitalism’s own mechanisms until it collapses, leading to varied political interpretations from both left- and right-wing groups. * Right-wing Accelerationists aim to weaponize

American neo-Nazi James Mason would take Accelerationism a step further and inspire white-supremacists. His political engagement began with George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party before joining a splinter group in the 80s called the National Socialist Liberation Front (NSLF). During his stint with the NSLF Mason would be responsible for their monthly newsletter, Siege. In 1992 those essays would get compiled into a single volume titled under the same name.

At the time no one was really interested in reading from a genocidal aspirant. But things got weird. In the 2010s young white men were persuaded to the far-right revival in droves, and picked up Mason's Siege. Being millennials, they had the sense to propagate the hateful essays on the internet; particularly through the now-defunct fascist social media platform Iron March. Something their predecessors didn't have the means to do. And you know how millennials love their memes. They built a whole aesthetic for a philosophy and subculture around Siege they would dub "siegeculture (siegekultur)" giving rise to terrorwave, fashwave (short for fascist wave), and Trumpwave memes born from no other cesspool than 4chan, of course.

Memes used by the U.S. far right to promote the 'siegekultur' movement

However there are earlier foreshadowings of modern Accelerationism before Mason's time. The Turner Diaries by white-supremacist William Luther Pierce dropped in 1978 envisioning a future race war while introducing the idea of using terrorism as a means of revolution. U.S. Army and Gulf War veteran Timothy McVeigh treated it like his Bible inspiring him to commit the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Never forget that it's the second most deadly terrorist attack in the U.S. after 9/11. In an envelope on the front seat of McVeigh's getaway car were some pages from The Turner Diaries he particularly treasured during his crimes. One page read:

“to create unrest by destroying the population’s sense of security and their belief in the invincibility of the government.”

Accelerationist neo-Nazis subscribe to the idea that society is irredeemable, and seek to violently destabilize it through terrorist attacks and sabotage. They see the fall of western society as inevitable and seek to accelerate its demize to trigger a revolution where they'll establish a white ethno-state. Subscribing to Great Replacement theory, these folks view democracy, egalitarianism, and multiculturalism as a threat where they view minorities as systematically replacing the white populace. So who are these neo-Nazi organizations and how have they developed over time under the influence of Accelerationism?


Atomwaffen Division founded by Brandon Russell and Devon Arthurs in 2013 would be the first explicitly Accelerationist neo-Nazi group directly inspired by James Mason himself. They were the first to distinguish the difference between a casual racist and a racist inspired by Accelerationism.

Your garden variety white-supremacist was merely racist. He believed white people should have dominance over people of color, especially if they co-exist in the same living and working environments. But they should probably live in whites-only spaces whenever possible, which makes them separatists. And they think they're culturally and genetically superior. Yeah, sure, I've been to Twitter.

Accelerationist neo-Nazis take it to the next level where they assume modernity is on the brink of collapse, and they may as well speed things up so they can get to the part where they have a white ethno-state.

Kinda reminds me of Dark Enlightenment Network States founded by Nick Land's friend, Curtis Yarvin, funded by Peter Thiel through his capital fund with a Network State focus, Pronomos. I wrote a whole article on that too:

Why It’s Called a Coup: Dark Enlightenment Influence On Trumpian Musk Philosophy
How The Core Values of MAGA Reflect Dark Enlightenment Philosophy Why Its Called a Coup: Dark Enlightenment Influence On Trumpian Musk Philosophy0:00/1263.0465311× * Trump’s administration and Musk’s growing influence reflect Curtis Yarvin’s neo-reactionary philosophy, which advocates for a technocratic monarchy over democracy. * Peter Thiel, a

I said these guys have literal hate camps. This is not a drill. These guys literally go on hiking trips for firearms and combat training. Boy scouts from hell! And I will not be buying any cookies. In 2018 they branded one of their circle jerks "Death Valley Hate Camp" where they even trained members on creating neo-Nazi propaganda memes. Do you know who made the memes in your feed?

Interestingly enough, a lot of these types aren't interested in working with other white-supremacist groups. Hell they're not big fans of working with themselves. They were always shifting blame on each other about who's fault it is that they haven't seen change move in their direction. And from a strategic point of view it's not smart to operate in bigger groups when law enforcement and intelligence agencies are fishing for a weak link.

Promoting small units or lone actors, they prefer low amounts of telecommunications on their plans and make themselves harder to follow. They'll even target infrastructural weak points like the U.S. electrical grid. A move that could cost thousands of lives in hospitals that need that power.

Nonetheless arrests have been made including one of their co-founders Brandon Russell for a terrorist plot to attack Maryland's electrical grid. The other co-founder killed their roommates after they made fun of his conversion to Islam. AWD member Samuel Woodward would be convicted of murder motivated by hate, and do life in prison, after targeting a gay Jewish man through an online dating app. And after both founders were unable to lead Atomwaffen Division from prison they were replaced by John Cameron Denton who would later get arrested with four others on harassment charges leading to the terrorist organization being disbanded in 2020.

A screenshot from Atomwaffen Division's first recruitment video (VICE). 

A New Jersey native that moved to Russia, Rinaldo Nazzaro, formed The Base in 2018. The Base is what you get when you translate Al-Qaeda from Arabic to English: subtle. Which is fitting since they stole some jihadists methods, like screening members to protect themselves from infiltration. And like the Atomwaffen Division they'd prefer to move in decentralized cells to avoid detection, so they were loosely organized as a whole. But stealing secretive jihadist strategies didn't keep their "paramilitary survivalist" shindig on the low, because they were infiltrated on separate occasions by an activist, a journalist, and a law enforcement officer. A few members of The Base would get convicted on firearms charges the judge claimed were going to be used to promote federal terrorism crimes. A few others would get sentenced for an assassination plot to delete a couple they believed to be anti-fascists.

They'd turn into a whole international problem recognized by Australia, the European Union, New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom as a terrorist group. Maybe not the kind of attention you'd be looking for after going through all that trouble to stay a secret. Nazzaro would step down from his leadership role in 2022 leading to the group going mostly underground, but in 2024 The Base started distributing propaganda again despite heavy pressure from law enforcement in the past.

A poster recruiting for neo-Nazi militant group The Base, which was posted by a supporter in the US and shared on its Telegram channel (Telegram)

Feuerkrieg Division was founded by a 13 year-old boy from Estonia in 2013. Law enforcement would connect the AWD wannabes to multiple terrorist plots before those plans could be executed. Like their member Conor Climo, who would plead guilty to possession of explosives planned to be used to attack a synagogue, and an LGBTQ+ bar in Las Vegas, NV. Like Atomwaffen Division they were deeply inspired by Mason's work on Siege. They appeared to be short lived after the group disbanded in 2020. However their activity would revive the following year on the encrypted chat platform Telegram. The internet has done these groups a great service by giving them a place to organize even after their teams are pressured by law enforcement.

Two UK members of Feuerkrieg Division in a picture posted in an online chat (Eugene Antifa)

Sonnenkrieg Division would be the first proscribed neo-Nazi group operating in Germany since WWII. Led by one of its co-founders Andrew Dymock who branded it as "Atomwaffen with less guns" did, in fact, have guns. And they advocated for violent destabilization of "the system." Whatever they think that is. Inspired by Iron March Siege aesthetics, the group would be responsible for a lot of violent hateful memes being disseminated throughout the UK. In June of 2019 a couple of SKD members were sentenced for encouraging terrorism, and it's worse than you think. Those terrorists publicly called for sexual violence against their opponents and attacks on white folks with non-white sex partners. Their publication would even include an image of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, being shot in the head with the words "see you later, race traitor."

SKD members would go on to disseminate images of a Nazi salute with the words, "terror is the only thing they understand." One of their memes was a female police officer with the caption, "rape the cops." Another was an image of a woman being hanged captioned that "race-mixing whores" should be executed. In 2019 an SKD supporter was sentenced to prison for possession of terrorist material including manuals for creating homemade weapons and explosives. In 2020 a UK teenager associated with SKD would be sentenced to prison for planning attacks on locations they labeled as part of "the Jewish system" with explosives. Despite having thinner numbers than their AWD predecessor, the group would be labeled as a terrorist organization by the United Kingdom in 2020 leading to a rapid decline in their activity.

A poster recruiting for neo-Nazi militant group The Base, which was posted by a supporter in the US and shared on its Telegram channel (Telegram)

By no means an exhaustive list, this is definitely some of the most notable organizations that have been trying to watch the world burn over the last several years. They're unified by Mason's Siege rhetoric, a hateful memetic legacy appropriating vaporwave, the glorification of Hitler, and decentralized cells or lone actors.


How do people get to this point? How is the pipeline from bigot to terrorist built? Personally I've seen a trend in the terrorist radicalization pipeline that goes from birth rate talking points to Great Replacement theory to Accelerationism.

A white-supremacist adopting Accelerationism is a surefire sign they're being radicalized to terrorist sentiments. Where someone may merely begin with a hateful outlook on the world, that hate is greatly exacerbated by Accelerationist philosophy lowering the mental barrier to violence by justifying that mass violence is the only "solution" to bring about a white ethno-state. By gathering white-supremacist's to online channels like encrypted Telegram chat rooms such as Terrorgram, Accelerationists are able to radicalize these racists into violent actors with fashwave memes.

Fashwave memes found in various fora.

Cyberspace makes it a lot easier to spread material like James Mason's Siege persuading racists that peaceful activism and political process are futile to the millenarian agenda of bringing an era of peace and prosperity to a white ethno-state where "total collapse" of the current society is necessary.

Militant enculturation happens through online echo chambers like Terrorgram. Which create an insular propaganda machine for these racists. What begins as edgy racist memes on mainstream social media gets multiplied once they're in an Accelerationist echo chamber. Once inside they'll be exposed to a culture that glorifies successful terrorists as "saints." They'll disseminate memes, videos, and manifestos that dehumanize their targets.

The Siege-inspired online subculture gamifies violence where it glorifies killers, applauds kill counts, and each attack is praised for bringing an era of a white ethno-state a little bit closer. Like your Etsy soccer mom demographic these folks share practical how-tos in their cyber circles. But instead of instructions for building a vertical farm they share instructions on weapons-training, bomb-crafting, and a list of targets. All of which democratizes and lowers the barrier of entry to terrorism. This self-radicalizing platform allows you to become a terrorist at your own pace, so you can make progress from shitty racist memes to the psychological shift of viewing committing an attack as a prestigious accomplishment--all from the comfort of your own home. Neo-Nazi echo chambers are also hosted on Twitch, Facebook, Gab, Youtube, 4Chan, Reddit, 8kun (formerly 8Chan), Endchan, MeWe, Discord, Twitter, Wire, and Vkontakte. Memetic rhetoric fueling these radicalizing platforms include terrorwave, fashwave, and Trumpwave. Neo-Nazis are big fans of President Trump.

Example of neo-Nazi Trumpwave aesthetics

Since Accelerationists deliberately eschew traditional organizational hierarchies for harder to detect lone actor strikes much of their influence aims to reach out to racist individuals around the world to radicalize them into taking the agenda into their own hands. These neo-Nazis try to plan their attacks around destabilizing events in hopes they can exacerbate the chaos. Potential opportunities for these racists include: controversial elections, pandemics, or racial protests.

Although I've mentioned membership groups like AWD and The Base, there's a massive amount of them that never join a group who solitarily consume neo-Nazi and Accelerationist rhetoric through self-radicalization. The Tarrant Effect is a phrase used to describe the way lone actors inspire other lone actors to take up the personal responsibility to plan an attack on their own.

Silicon Valley’s Coup: Lessons from History and Paths to Resistance
DOGE and Democracy: The Threat of Oligarchical Takeover in U.S. Governance Silicon Valleys Coup: Lessons from History and Paths to Resistance0:00/794.5404081× * DOGE as a Power Grab: Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) expands corporate influence over U.S. governance, gaining access to federal data, financial

Australian white-supremacist Brenton Tarrant committed mass-shootings at two separate mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, which he live-streamed on social media (the first live-streamed terrorist attack), leading to 51 deaths and 89 injuries. Before committing his attack he published a manifesto online that would be the first of its style inspiring lone actor copycats.

Patterns like the Tarrant Effect are evidence of a feedback loop where white-supremacist terrorists assemble a self-fulfilling prophecy between each other. Each attack is praised as evidence that the white ethno-state is coming--and it's imminent. Strategic moves, like live-streaming terrorist violence to social media, serve the purpose of making the violence go viral to far-right circles around the world, and inspire more lone actor copycats.


White-supremacy isn't the only circle influenced by Accelerationism. There's also religious and far-left Accelerationist movements. However their share of the terrorist market pales in comparison to the far-right monopoly. Here's a quick cheat sheet of facts giving perspective to the far-right cut of terrorist crimes:

Data from the Center for Strategic & International Studies
  • Right-wing schemes and attacks make up the majority of all terrorism in the U.S. since 1994.
  • They're responsible for two thirds of all plots and attacks in the U.S. since 2019.
  • And over 90% in the first half of 2020.
  • While they can't claim more lives than religious extremists due to 9/11 specifically, right-wing neo-Nazis were responsible for more than half of all fatalities in 14 of the 21 years that fatal attacks happened.
  • Timothy McVeigh's 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing was almost the most deadly terrorist attack in U.S. history second only to 9/11.

That's going to be on the test, so I hope you're taking notes. I'm almost at 3,000 words, and I know I can only hold attention spans for so long. So I may add further context to this in future articles where we can explore what's been done about them, and how we can personally mitigate their cultural effects on society. Questions and topic suggestions in the comments are always welcome! Until next time, stay vigilant comrades.

by Derek Guzman

Independent journalist in tech, art, and philosophy


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